Mindset: Destigmatization workshop for medical high schools

Project facts

Project promoter:
Academia Medica Pragensis Endowment
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 44,509
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic

More information


The project is focused on destigmatization of mental illness in the Czech Republic. The aim is to develop and evaluate 1) video spots focused on destigmatization of mentally ill people, 2) destigmatizing workshop and 3) leaflets. Video spots, content of workshops and leaflets will be chosen and developed in collaboration with experts from Czech Republic and abroad. After the evaluation of mentioned project activities outcomes of this project will be published and offered to other high schools and distributed among general public as well. The main target group are medical school students. The partner National Institute of Mental Health will provide his expert knowledge with the topic and experience. The partner Fokus Mlada Boleslav will provide expertise in the field of destigmatization, care for people with mental illness, work with the community and broad public.

Summary of project results

Mindset project was focusing on destigmatization of mental illness in the Czech Republic. The aim was to develop and evaluate three programmes: videos, seminar and leaflets in high school students. The aim was fulfilled. Outputs of project: - evaluation of experience with destigmatization programmes: literature review, expert interviews, different forms of campaigning study - attitudes mapping – mRCT phase A - Foreign expert workshop - Lecturers training - destigmatiaztion programme – mRCT phase B - mapping of the attitudes change - spreading the awareness and Outcomes of project: - Report evaluating Czech, Norwegian and British experience with destigmatization campaigns. - First part of the report on attitudes towards people with mental illness at medical high schools. - Leaflet, 3 social video spots, content of the destigmatization seminar. - 6 trainer lecturers of destigmatization programme - Destigmatization programmes at 21 high schools around Czech Republic - Second part of the report on attitudes towards people with mentall illness at medical high schools. - Final research report, media outcomes, digital publication, presentations at scientific conferences, presentations within work groups of psychiatric care reform, photo documentation, internet presentation of the project.

Summary of bilateral results