Live to be twenty

Project facts

Project promoter:
Kolečko Endowment Fund
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 19,715
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic

More information


Goal of the proposed project is to reduce the number of serious and fatal accidents of teenagers (16-18 years) and minimize their consequences. This goal will be achieved by preparation of creative workshop focused on risk of accidents during sports and leisure activities and by preparing the target group for their new role in road traffic. The workshop will be implemented on 20 student groups form secondary schools, colleges and high schools in North Bohemia and Central Bohemia. The materials (hand-outs for the theoretical part of the workshop, the methodology for tutors, didactic materials for the target group, the set of worksheets and tools for practical exercises) will be freely accessible on the website of the applicant for the future use. The main target group is children aged 16-18 years from Prague, Central and North regions of the Czech Republic. These regions are the regions with the highest accident rates of young drivers in the Czech Republic. The partner will provide his expert knowledge and will take part in preparing of the project. His expert employees will help with providing workshops.

Summary of project results

The goal of the project was to reduce the number of serious and fatal accidents of teenagers (16-18 years) and minimize their consequences. This goal was achieved by preparation of creative workshop focused on risk of accidents during sports and leisure activities and by preparing the target group for their new role on a road traffic. The main result of the project was the creation and implementation of an educational programme focused on risky behaviour of young people in traffic.Teaching materiál for schools was developed, distributed, and is freely available for further use. Ten workshops were organized on selected high schools in Central and Northern Bohemia region. The workshops were composed of theoretical and practical part, involving the target group in both parts, especially in the part of simulated traffic accident. Kolečko foundation will continue to organize similar workshops in different regions after the completion of the project to ensure the sustainability of the project results.

Summary of bilateral results