Development of the community centre Dvojí svět

Project facts

Project promoter:
BONA association
Project Number:
Target groups
People with mental health problems
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 52,030
The project is carried out in:

More information


Project realization is essential for the success of planned actions that will contribute to the deinstitutionalization of psychiatric care and the de-stigmatization of people with mental illness. The aim of the project is to develop existing activities and start new activities of community care for mentally ill patients to keep them in the community and prevent relapse. Project activities are a) focused on employing people with mental illness. A stable employment and a regular day routine is one of the basic conditions for successful rehabilitation; b) activities dedicated to the fulfilment of people with mental illness (the opportunity to present their own artworks); c ) related activities supporting the de-stigmatization focused on the general public and professionals (realisation of meetings and discussions for professionals, educative cultural events such as concerts, exhibitions, literary readings); d) starting advisory centre providing information in matters concerning the care of mental health (access to social services, mental health care , sheltered employment, etc.). The target group of the project are mentally ill adults.

Summary of project results

The aims of tho project were developing a community center "Dvojí svět" ("The dual world") and the support of deistitunalization of mentally ill by creating new sheltered jobs. Specific results of the project were arranging and conducting cultural events, which consisted of 14 exhibitions and 11 film projections, in 2017 it continued with 3 exhibitions and 1 film projection. The key result of the project is fully operational deinstitutionalisation proramme for people with mental illnesses. The outcomes of the project are realisation of redesign of the centre Dvojí svět (The dual world) (purchase of PCs, creation and purchase of promotional materials, employment of a manager of the center, employment of people from target group); support of deinstitutionalization by crreatin of new sheltered jobs (5 of them); preparation of promotional materials for improving counselling services; launching counselling services by recruitment of social workers.

Summary of bilateral results