The project addresses growing racism, discrimination and xenophobia targeted at immigrants and asylum seekers in Bulgaria. The project aims at raising awareness, bringing people together and promoting multicultural dialogue. First, media campaign will be launched and at least 20 media partners will be attracted. Second, 20 journalists from at least 5 cities will take part in a 1-day training to ensure objective media coverage of asylum and migration issues. Third, at least 30 migrants will be identified and asked to have their stories and photos taken and to share 2 recipes from their national cuisine. Next, the photos, interviews and recipes will be uploaded on the applicant’s website and shared with the public. Finally, Bulgarian culinary bloggers will take part in 2 workshops with foreigners and will help further disseminate foreign cuisine recipes through their blogs. The project will benefit asylum seekers and foreigners in Bulgaria as well as the public in general.
Summary of project results
With the escalation of the refugee crisis in 2013, asylum seekers and migrants across Europe have increasingly become a target of hate speech, xenophobia and discrimination. This trend has been observed in Bulgaria as well and Bulgaria has been a transit country for most migrants due to its unfavourable conditions. Nevertheless some asylum seekers have stayed in Bulgaria and have decided to start a new life here; a number of international commitments oblige Bulgaria to receive and integrate refugees, however, the public has not been ready for this step, including journalists for whom a special module was planned. The project aimed at launching a media campaign to highlight in a positive and humane manner (through cooking) the positive aspects of migration and the contribution of aliens to Bulgaria. Various outputs were developed such as photos of meals and persons, their personal stories, a website, cards, a video, etc. A number of good quality media partners (25) were involved to publish the stories and recipes. A number of events were held such as training for media professionals (36), a media lunch, culinary courses for culinary bloggers (about 70 participants), a final event with an exhibition (more than 600 participants) and tasting of different cuisines. In addition, more than 31 migrants and refugees had the opportunity to join the campaign and take part with their stories and talents in the social life which helped their integration. The association managed to ensure the needed sustainability; our partnerships with the media continued to develop and new recipes are documented and posted as part of the business activity of the association. For more information, please, visit:
Summary of bilateral results