The project addresses the difficulties faced by people with dementia related to access to treatment and medicines, discrimination, social exclusion and lack of community support for their relatives. The project aims at helping solve these issues by raising the awareness of both the patients and the professionals about the social and medical aspects of the disease and the patients’ rights and by improving coordination between the competent authorities. The planned activities include meetings with the competent state authorities, 6 round tables on the medical and social aspects of dementia and “Open-door” days when the patients and their families will receive legal and medical counseling. Next, a group of volunteers for mutual help will be set up. Finally, research will be carried out on the needs of people with dementia and the findings will be presented in a report. The main target group is people with poor mental health. But the project will also benefit all the other stakeholders.
Summary of project results
The work of the organization brought to the fore the violation of human rights of elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and their families. The families of such people and elderly people (65+) are fully excluded from social life. 175 participants attended the round tables and Open-door-day events held in the 6 planning regions and the project raised awareness about the rights to healthcare treatment of the attendees and their families. The best EU practices were presented and discussed. The affected people and their relatives shared their stories with the mayors and heads of social services of the municipalities where the round tables were held. Finally, a report on the national policies and practices in Bulgaria was prepared and disseminated among the stakeholders. More information about the project and a copy of the report can be seen at
Summary of bilateral results