The project addresses the need to involve the civil sector in the debates related to the application of the Private Enforcement Agents Act. The project aims at involving the NGO sector through an expert analysis and an action plan. First, the applicant will launch the debate about the functioning of the private enforcement system with the stakeholders (the institutions, organizations, NGOs, the media). Second, the private enforcement system will be analyzed (legal framework, reference material, in-depth interviews, meetings, questionnaires). Third, an action plan will be prepared to streamline the private enforcement system. Finally, the project outcomes will be promoted to the public. The project will benefit private enforcement officers, the Chamber, the courts, the NGOs and the public. The partner will provide contacts with other organizations/experts, statistical data, members of working groups/debates and expert support.
Summary of project results
On the eve of the 10th anniversary from the introduction of the private enforcement system (PE) in Bulgaria, the attitude towards private enforcement agents is controversial at the very least. The assessments of the efficiency and the benefits of the model made by both the citizens, on the one hand, and the representatives of creditors, on the other hand, stand opposite each other. Private enforcement has also remained outside the debate about the reform of the judiciary. The project aimed at taking stock in a comprehensive, in-depth and most of all objective manner of the 10-year record of private enforcement in Bulgaria by offering an external and independent point of view on the advantages and challenges of the system and its application in Bulgaria and outlining the measures for its improvement. The analysis of the functioning of the private enforcement system, together with an action plan with the main measures for its improvement, stirred a serious and heated discussion actively involving private enforcement agents, lawyers, NGOs and other institutions. The fact that the target groups were also actively involved in the other project activities such as the in-depth interviews, the focus groups and standard questionnaires, was particularly useful. The proof that the quality and the usefulness of the analysis have been positively assessed is in the large number of requests (including for more copies of the analysis). The analysis and the action plan were also presented to all responsible institutions to support them with policy-making and development of measures for private enforcement. The Bulgarian Chamber of Private Enforcement Agents accepted the idea that it has to be much more open towards the public. Yet another important project outcome is that the citizens have much more information about their rights and also have another way to send alerts about irregularities related to private enforcement (via the project website). For more information, please, visit
Summary of bilateral results