Improving Access to Rights of Refugees in Bulgaria by Raising Awareness and Knowledge

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation for Access to Rights - FAR
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 36,755
The project is carried out in:


The project addresses the need to ensure beneficiaries of international protection (IP) with access to rights in Bulgaria. The project aims at raising the awareness of both applicants and beneficiaries of IP and decision-making authorities about their rights. First, a training programme on access to IP will be developed. Second, a guide in Bulgarian with the relevant national, EU and international legal instruments and case law on IP will be developed. Third, 2 leaflets for social orientation of applicants and beneficiaries of IP will be prepared in Bulgarian, English, French, Persian and Arabic in printed and electronic format. Fourth, 10 information sessions for about 200 applicants and beneficiaries of IP will be held. Finally, 5 trainings for magistrates, lawyers, civil servants, NGOs and students will be held. The project will benefit the applicants and beneficiaries of IP, competent authorities and the public in general. The partner will help with its expertise and reputation.

Summary of project results

One of the main obstacles to access to rights for refugees in Bulgaria is lack of knowledge and awareness about the existing rights and how they are to be exercised by refugees themselves, their assistants, and often decision-makers as well. The last guide on the subject in Bulgaria dates back to 2000. At the same time in 2013 the European Court adopted a new generation of asylum directives and regulations. The project aimed at raising the awareness of refugees and promoting awareness about their rights among decision-makers from the administration, magistrates, the public administration (social workers and caseworkers, in particular), lawyers, the civil sector and universities. The project goal was achieved in full. Under the project the Foundation for Access to Rights FAR in partnership with the Asylum Committee, the Administration of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria developed a curriculum to boost knowledge and promote refugees’ rights in Bulgaria; compiled a guide, a teaching aid in Bulgarian with the legislative acts and the case law about the rights of refugees; prepared 5000 leaflets for social orientation of asylum seekers and refugees in 6 languages (Bulgarian, English, French, Urdu, Arabic, and Farsi); held 10 information sessions with the participation of 126 asylum seekers and refugees; held four training sessions and a seminar attended by 198 representatives of decision-makers, young people and people actively involved in asylum law. Thus a solid foundation was laid for access to refugees’ rights. The participants in the information sessions, the seminar and training sessions held evaluated positively the activities. The Refugee Law Guide was also highly evaluated. For more information and access to the guide and other project outputs, please, visit:

Summary of bilateral results