The project addresses the social isolation of people with autism spectrum disorder. The project aims at raising public awareness and empathy and boosting the capacity of volunteers working with such people. First, an awareness-raising campaign will be held in Sofia, drawing volunteers from high schools and universities and informing the public about the special needs of such people. Second, the volunteers will have a series of trainings in communication strategies. A pool of trained volunteers will be created. Third, the volunteers will work at a centre with children with autism. Fourth, the pilot model of “community friends” of people with autism will be presented at an open-door event. Finally, a partnership network of institutions and NGOs will be set up. The project will benefit the children and youth with autism, their families and volunteers in Sofia, as well as the community in general. The partner will provide trainers and help contact direct beneficiaries.
Summary of project results
The project addressed the social isolation of people with autism spectrum disorder. It provided for five interconnected activities that led to the following results: eight information meetings held; 20 volunteers recruited; information campaigns held in 9 schools in Sofia City, 3 universities, the Centre for Social Rehabilitation and Integration of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (CSRIASD) and among the parents of children and young people with ASD; two outdoor events on the occasion of 21 March 2015, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and 2 April 2015, World Autism Awareness Day; raised capacity of the volunteers of the Bulgarian Red Cross Youth (BRCY) in Sofia City, students and parents to work with the target group; a bank was created with 20 volunteers with the relevant skills; two training sessions were held with 35 volunteers and 15 parents; 21 September 2015, the International Day of Peace, was celebrated with games and art events; 15 art workshops were held with therapeutists and volunteers from the organization; therapeutic riding sessions together with volunteers from the organization for 3 months;support to the specialists from CSRIASD by direct work with autistic children; an information manual for communication with autistic persons was developed and disseminated; Open-door Day held with the participation of children from integrated groups in kindergartens in Sofia; school and university students and the public informed about the specific needs of children with autism; working meetings held with representatives from different organizations related to the project subject; a public discussion forum entitled Innovative Methods for Integration of Children and Young People with ASD; a sustainable network model of work with the target group was developed. The volunteers will have the opportunity to continue to apply their skills in practice working for CSRIASD after the project end. The partners that were attracted set the beginning for future cooperation. The school and kindergarten principals who took part in many of the project activities showed their interest in future cooperation. The Bulgarian Red Cross in Sofia City is aspiring to disseminate an additional edition of the information manual among the schools in Sofia City.
Summary of bilateral results