Empowerment for Mutual Aid and Self-Help for Prevention against Stress and Social Isolation of People at Risk of Poverty, Blind People and People with Disabilities

Project facts

Project promoter:
'Ahuri' Association
Project Number:
Target groups
People at risk of poverty,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 4,490
The project is carried out in:
София (столица) / Sofia (stolitsa)

More information


The project addresses the plight of the vulnerable groups of people (the blind, the disabled, people at risk of poverty) entrapped in a vicious circle of impoverishment – stress –depression - social exclusion. The project attempts to alleviate the burden by providing anti-stress classes, self-help and developing their skills. First, an online database of about 5000 pages will be created providing information, support, tips and data exchange on stress issues. Second, free-of-charge anti-stress workshops will be organized such as auditory proofreading of texts for the blind, patchwork and sewing for depressed women and glass painting for the disadvantaged. The anti-stress workshops will teach both relaxation and useful skills. Finally, the output from the workshops will be presented during 2 public exhibitions. The project will benefit the main target group of vulnerable people enabling them to break the vicious circle, develop useful skills and enhance their self-esteem.

Summary of project results

The project addressed the plight of the vulnerable groups of people (the blind, the disabled, people at risk of poverty) entrapped in a vicious circle of impoverishment – stress –depression - social exclusion. The participants in the anti-stress activities developed their skills for labour both as anti-stress strategy and an opportunity for a job on the market. Online dissemination of specialized literature enjoyed great interest among the participants. This activity will continue after the project end and it is envisaged that the group of users will continue to grow. Three exhibitions were organised where the works of the participants from the target group were presented. The project also impacted the development of the project promoter, it helped for the increase of the number of the organisation's members and supporters.

Summary of bilateral results