The project addresses the need to raise public awareness about adaptation to climate change and emergency response actions. The project aims at raising awareness by analyzing local disaster emergencies and efficient communication mechanisms. First, the project will be promoted to the local communities and the media in several disaster-hit areas (Burgas, Godech, Trun, Breznik, Slivnitsa). Second, a sociological study into the emergency response and communication mechanisms will be carried out. Third, the findings will be presented at a round table with the municipal authorities, experts and local communities. Next, efficient communication mechanisms will be identified including greater media involvement. Finally, young people/students in the affected areas will be engaged in a series of workshops, training events and lectures on climate change. The project will benefit the affected communities and local authorities. The partner will contribute with expert and technical support.
Summary of project results
The main goal of the project was to help raise the awareness of young people and the broad public about climate change and the role of humans for slowing down or preparing better and fighting the consequences of climate change. The target areas under the project were selected not by chance. The project team selected areas in the proximity of or affected by serious damage from a natural disaster caused by unusual weather phenomena (torrential rains), followed by floods, which caused material damage to some people in Berkovitsa Municipality. A field study with sociological methods was carried out in the 2 municipalities of Bourgas and Berkovitsa to examine the preparedness of the public and the representatives of various institutions for response to such disasters. The findings from the field study were reflected in the follow-up project activities. The project aimed at more active work with young people to raise their awareness and preparedness for response. A Guide for Sustainable Management was developed (an online version and a printed version of 500 copies) and disseminated to the representatives of municipalities, the Ministry of Interior and other institutions (the Ministry of Environment and Water, Regional Inspectorates of Environment (RIE), the Basin Directorates). As a result of the project more than 500 young people (students and teachers from secondary schools in Mezdra, Chiprovtsi, Zverino, Berkovitsa and Varshets) took part in training courses, a summer camp (a green school), a regional competition, an inter-school innovation competition, information days, and acquired more knowledge about the connection between man-made activity and the response of nature and issues arising from unusual weather phenomena. Мore than 70 representatives of institutions (municipalities involved in disaster protection, Fire Safety and Civil Protection Directorates, district administrations, RIE) took part in the field study with sociological methods, an information forum and a round table, as well as information activities of the public, participation in debates and research to solve the issues on the level of institutions. More than 1500 people from the general public had their awareness raised and were urged to change their attitude including through media coverage. The project also included training for 5 journalists and meteorologists to raise their knowledge of the issue and expand the scope of information in weather forecasts.
Summary of bilateral results