Civil Society House - Community for Development

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bulgarian Center for Non-for-Profit Law
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 81,868
The project is carried out in:


The project addresses the difficulties faced by Bulgarian NGOs related to lack of financial sustainability, strong dependence on donor funding, public mistrust. The project aims at making NGOs more knowledgeable, capable, united, boosting their capacity and improving the environment. First, the NGO environment, legal framework and sources of funding will be reviewed. Second, a public support campaign will be launched. Third, at least 15 legislative amendments will be proposed. Next, a practical guide on financial management of NGOs will be published. Next, 4 trainings to build NGO capacity will be held. Then a mentorship programme will be launched and 12 organizations will be consulted. Finally, the philosophy and business plan of the Bulgarian Civil Society House will be prepared, supporting its initiatives and involving leading NGOs in them. The project will benefit the main target group of NGO leaders and staff as well as decision-makers and the public in general.

Summary of project results

The following trends that were in place prior to the project made it necessary to have such project: - strong dependence of Bulgarian NGOs on foreign financing, in particular to solve important common issues; - low trust by the public and not very good public image (the rallies in 2013 showed that people hardly recognize NGOs as their “voice”, representing their interests); - insufficient recognition by central and local public administration of civil society organizations as an important partner in the processes of decision-making, planning and policy implementation (NGOs are usually referred to “for support in the event of a crisis”); - lack of enthusiasm among civil organizations for common initiatives and cooperation; - disappointing existing mechanisms of citizen participation and almost non-existent national financing. The following project activities were carried out: three analytical reports were prepared; 21 public events were organized, a website of the House of the Civil Society ( and an online platform for public consultations ( were created, 4 training sessions for NGOs took place and 87 participants were trained and 13 were supported to develop. A Plan for the communication strategy of the House, specific guidelines for its financial sustainability and a business plan were developed. A Manual for Financial Management of NGOs was published. The project activities reached 722 NGOs, 30 decision-makers and 440 citizens. 217 recommendations were made by citizens, experts and NGOs. By the end of the project, the project materials were read 58598 times. The project helped involve more citizens in the discussion about the role of NGOs and citizen participation, provide expert support to improve the state funding for NGOs and improve the mechanisms for citizen participation in Bulgaria. Specific proposals for legislative amendments related to NGOs and citizen participation were made, the role of NGOs was promoted and the issues facing NGOs and citizen participation were voiced. The project attracted young active people to defend the NGO causes, boosted the organization capacity of an NGO, provided support for the creation of the House of Civil Society organizations and helped improve the leading NGO portal (

Summary of bilateral results