The project addresses the challenges faced by children with disabilities at school preventing them from getting education. The project aims at improving children’s environment at school by training teachers to work with them, raising teachers’ awareness and sensitizing them to the children’s needs. First, a conference with all the stakeholders will be held. Second, 35 teachers and 20 students – volunteers in Sofia will be selected to be trained. Third, a 2-day training will be held in Sofia on the rights of people with disabilities, teaching disabled children in mixed classes and European practices. Next, students volunteers will be consulted for 3 months by mentors. Finally, an information campaign will be held in Sofia District schools to raise the awareness of school staff about teaching children with disabilities. The project will benefit children with disabilities and their families in Sofia District as well as teachers, school management and local community in general.
Summary of project results
The project was necessary due to the urgent need of specialized training of trainers, psychologists and parents for work with children with special education needs, their integration and socialization during communication with other children to overcome differences. The project aimed at sensitizing Sofia City schools to children with disabilities and improving the environment for their education through specialized training for teachers, trainers, educators and parents. The project was successful as it improved the theoretical and practical experience of 51 teachers for work with children with disabilities. Guidelines and good practices for work with students with disabilities were presented to prevent them from dropping out. Teamwork improved between teachers and resource teachers. For more information, please, see:
Summary of bilateral results