The project addresses the need of the applicant, Program for the Development of the Judicial System Association (PDJS), to build its capacity and to ensure its organizational and financial sustainability in order to better provide its services to improve the transparency of the judiciary. The project aims at meeting the needs of the organization and thus helping ensure its financial and organizational sustainability. First, up-to-date strategic organizational and financial sustainability plan will be developed. Second, 8 members of the organization will be trained in 3 fields: project management, marketing and fundraising and human resources management and management of information and media events. Third, operational action plans will be developed in these three fields. Finally, a pilot traineeship program for 12 trainees will be organized in 6 of the biggest cities. The project will benefit the organization and help it achieve its goal to ensure the transparency of the judiciary.
Summary of project results
All strategic documents that were developed have long term impact and give focus to the PDJS's work for the next several years. Following the project activities the students who participated as interns have the potential to enhance the organisation's capacity through getting involved as experts. They are already taking part in another project. The contacts established with the media and NGOs during the project activities will be used for further initiatives and common projects. Moreover, through this project PDJS updated its strategic plan and increased the motivation and competencies in project management of PDJS members. The association took actions to increase the number of its members and associates in various regions of the country. In addition, an internship program was piloted aiming at involving young and motivated professionals and increasing the capacity for networking. As a result, PDJS has now two more members and 12 interns. It has come up with new ideas on how to improve its capacity for recruitment and ensuring financial resources beyond the projects it is working on. The association improved its visibility through media and identified opportunities for further cooperation with other NGOs working on the same topic. All members of the PDJS were involved in the development of the strategic documents, which helped to incorporate different opinions and motivate them to be more active.
Summary of bilateral results