Use of wood waste for production of pellets by introducing new Technological line at Perunstroy OOD

Project facts

Project promoter:
Perunstroy 2006 OOD
Project Number:
Target groups
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 163,041
The project is carried out in:

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The main objective of the project is to increase the production of pellets from biomass. As a result of the implementation of the planned project investments the company aims to achieve a synergistic effect in several fields - increase the output capacity for the production of pellets from wood waste, improve the efficiency production process, increase sales revenue, improve the market position on EU market. The outlined objectives are in line with the planned general and specific objectives for the implementation of the Grant Scheme BG04-03-04 "Production of Fuels from Biomass" and the "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy" Programme, financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014. The successful implementation of the activities included in this project proposal shall contribute to achieving the overall goals and specific objectives of the project and will lead to concrete, realistic and quantifiable results. Sustainable results of enterprise performance in terms of: • Accomplished investment project in favour of private enterprise for the production of energy from RES • Sustainable contribution to preserve the environment of carbon dioxide emissions of 11.4 t/year • Introducing technological equipment with a capacity of 1 ton of pellets, i.e. 5 460 tons of high-calorie ecological product • Significantly increase the export potential of the company • Significant contribution to increasing employment • Improve the management capacity of the company organization and management of projects funded by the EU, the EEA Financial Mechanism and other donors.

Summary of project results

The main objective of the project - creation of a new investment for the production of pellets from wood biomass by putting into operation of a production line for pellet production capacity 1t / h had been achieved. As a result of the implementation of the investments realized under the project, the company achieves a synergic effect in several directions - increasing the production capacity for the production of pellets from wood waste, improving the efficiency of the production process, increasing the sales revenues, improving the market positions of the domestic and market EU countries. Achieving this goal will lead to both improving the competitiveness and profitability of the enterprise as well as increasing its contribution to the production of biomass fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption in Bulgaria. The successful implementation of the activities included in the project contributed to the overall and specific objectives of the project and resulted in concrete, realistic and quantifiable results - 5460 tons of annual biomass fuel production. EEA support for the use of renewable energy sources helps to protect the environment, reduces energy dependence, increases security of supply, develops national industry and creates employment. This support has made a significant contribution to reducing the economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area.

Summary of bilateral results