The proposed Czech-Icelandic collaborative project has multiple aims. It will initiate a longterm collaboration between the Czech and Icelandic team (i.e. between Masaryk University and University of Iceland) in the field of plant cytogenomics. The planned mobility will extend expertise and skills of involved students and researchers through lectures and practical courses, and facilitate meeting of both teams and planning follow-up projects. Icelandic species of the mustard family (crucifers) were neglected thus far, partly due to the lacking expertise and technical infrastructure, and the remoteness of the island. In this project genome analysis of selected Icelandic crucifer species will be carried out. We expect to get novel data on the genome evolution of the unique Icelandic crucifer flora. The Icelandic team will carry out cytogenetic studies of Icelandic and European birch species (Betula) through state-of-the-art techniques implemented in collaboration with the Czech team.
Summary of project results
The initial motivation of the proposed project was a common interest of the Czech group (A-Prof. Lysák) and the Icelandic group (prof. Jónsson) in plant cytogenomics and genome evolution of crucifer species of Iceland. This project was initiated based on the research focus of both groups laying in cytogenomics and complementary expertise required to get a first glimpse of genome evolution in Icelandic crucifers. Whereas the Lysák lab is a world-leader in comparative cytogenomics of crucifers, prof. Jónsson and her team are familiar with distribution, ecology and reproductive behaviour of Icelandic crucifers. We found the Call to be a unique opportunity to support the joint Czech-Icelandic effort to develop long-lasting collaboration beyond the duration of the project. The challenge of the project was to choose a right time to collect Icelandic species and identify concrete localities in Iceland. This was successfully accomplished due to the assistance of the partner team at UI.
Summary of bilateral results
The main project objectives were multifold and were almost completely reached. The project aimed at i) establishing successful partnerships at the bilateral level between institutions involved in the educational sphere in the Czech Republic and Iceland, ii) initiation of a long-term collaboration between the Czech and Icelandic team, i.e. between Masaryk University and University of Iceland, iii) acquiring experimental material of selected Icelandic species of the mustard family with an objective to elucidate genome structure and evolution in these species, and iv) extending expertise and skills of involved students and researchers through conducted research, lectures and practical courses. It was planned to introduce advanced methods and protocols of comparative cytogenomics to the Icelandic laboratory, however, the project turned to be too short to accomplish the goal. The technique of BAC-based comparative chromosome painting was partly introduced to the laboratory at UC.