Sustaining Community Development: Taking Innovative Community Enterprise to the next level in the Czech Republic

Project facts

Project promoter:
Environment Center, Charles University in Prague
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 35,603
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic


Just as rural development is a process, so too the cooperation between the two institutions is a process in which together they will increase their competence to support vocational change and innovative entrepreneurship skills in their respective rural regions. Our previous collaboration generated student feedback which suggests that there is a demand for further support in the form of a network. Existing networks of rural entrepreneurs have focused only on specific regions or on existing businesses. Therefore, this project will focus on non-existent or early-stage start-up businesses and have a national scope, as identified by existing participants in the sector. Therefore, the two institutions will work together to understand and create the necessary infrastructure and information needs of rural entrepreneurs. This will serve both the institutions themselves, and the rural communities which need that support.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to follow on from the previous PONAVE 1 Project, in which an Innovative Community Development course was developed between the two partners for delivery in the Czech Republic. Students who took the courses indicated that, beyond the inspiring and effective courses, they also need on-going support in the process of innovation. PONAVE 2 addressed this issue in terms of the creation of a network of small rural and regional enterprise actors, so that participants can access peer support via the network. Three meetings were held -- one in Czesky Krumlov, one in the village of Cehnice, and one in Czesky Budejovice. In each case, some students from the previous project attended, along with others for whom this was their first contact with the project. Discussions were held with entrepeneurs, and existing networks which might be relevant. Meetings were held with new and former participants in the courses and information was gathered (via questionnaire and interview) from respondents as to their needs for support, barriers to entry, and strategies to overcome these troubles. This data has been put into an accessible database formula and will be hosted on the Regiony network website, offering participants the chance to learn from others' experiences. In addition, further information was gathered on the enterprise process itself. All of this data, and what has been learned from participants is published on a new website¨. This will be maintained by the project partners -- by combining it with the existing website, constant moderation of the site is assured, well into the future. As a result, rather than create a network from scratch, it has been agreed that the existing network (www.....) for the Czech Regional Center of Excellence in sustainable and environmental education will host the nascent network of Czech rural entrepreneurs.

Summary of bilateral results

The project aimed to follow on from the previous PONAVE 1 Project, in which an Innovative Community Development course was developed between the two partners for delivery in the Czech Republic. Students who took the courses indicated that, beyond the inspiring and effective courses, they also need on-going support in the process of innovation. PONAVE 2 addressed this issue in terms of the creation of a network of small rural and regional enterprise actors, so that participants can access peer support via the network. Three meetings were held -- one in Czesky Krumlov, one in the village of Cehnice, and one in Czesky Budejovice. In each case, some students from the previous project attended, along with others for whom this was their first contact with the project. Discussions were held with entrepeneurs, and existing networks which might be relevant. Meetings were held with new and former participants in the courses and information was gathered (via questionnaire and interview) from respondents as to their needs for support, barriers to entry, and strategies to overcome these troubles. This data has been put into an accessible database formula and will be hosted on the Regiony network website, offering participants the chance to learn from others' experiences. In addition, further information was gathered on the enterprise process itself. All of this data, and what has been learned from participants is published on a new website¨. This will be maintained by the project partners -- by combining it with the existing website, constant moderation of the site is assured, well into the future. As a result, rather than create a network from scratch, it has been agreed that the existing network (www.....) for the Czech Regional Center of Excellence in sustainable and environmental education will host the nascent network of Czech rural entrepreneurs.