Innovation of Media Studies Program at Metropolitan University Prague: Norwegian Inspiration

Project facts

Project promoter:
Metropolitan University in Prague
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 12,068
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic


This project is focused at upgrading of Media Studies program at Metropolitan University in Prague (further MUP) in the bachelor´s and master´s degree and it is based on experience sharing about teaching at University of Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Department of Journalism and Media Studies. This university has been carefully selected because of the similar structure of programs and combination of media studies with journalism. A survey among students of MUP will be conducted to determine their requirements for innovation of studies. Within the activity no.2, a meeting of the 2 teams focused on regaining experience in teaching will take place at Oslo. As part of the activity no.3 an international workshop expertly led by Norwegian colleagues will be held in the premises of MUP. Findings from the project will lead to the innovation of 8 MUP courses, to the publication of educational materials on a website and to 4 demonstration lectures for MUP students.

Summary of project results

The main topic of this project was focused at upgrading of Media Studies program at Metropolitan University in Prague (MUP) in the bachelor´s and master´s degree. Project had 4 activities and all were fullfiled in sense of grant aplication. Activity1: A preparatory meeting of research teams was held on 22.2.2016 at MUP. The Czech members of the project along with the main Norwegian researcher K. Orgeret discussed the structure of the study programs at both institutions. Further, there was a debate about the stay of the Czech team at the Norwegian partner institution and about the timing, organization and content of the international workshop. At the end of the preparatory meeting a questionnaire focused on Metropolitan university students' opinions on the possibility of innovation Bachelor and Master degree program of Media Studies was developed. Main benefit - results of the questionnaire were used for upgrading of some courses and will be used in the forthcoming accreditation. Activity no. 2: Expert meeting and workshop in Oslo (4.–7. 4. 2016) - Czech project team visited Norwegian institution in order to regain the experience with the style of teaching, course content, etc. Main Benefit: sharing experience in teaching at the partners, the possibility of making a video of the selected courses. Activity3: Team meeting and international workshop was held on 27. April 2016. Experts from Oslo, media specialists from the MUP and the Faculty of Social Sciences for its research and new trends in media trials, met as students MUP and professional and general public. The afternoon was also a roundtable discussion on "The Future of Media Studies", where the narrow expert circle discussed the future of the field of media studies. Activity4: Creating project´s outputs - short video, 8 courses taught at MUP were innovated, new syllabuses was created, Czech team members realized 4 demonstrate lessons, which were implemented innovative features acquired during the project.

Summary of bilateral results

College/University students - hier was used questionnaire from 4 demonstrate lectures for target group as a method of verification the benefits for the this target group. Another type was attandance list form international public presentation. Academic/scientist staff - hier was used a a attendance list of first part of the international workshop (ACT3) for this target group as a verification method of benefits for the target group.The value of the target groups were successfully met. Secondary target group - Education sector staff: A secondary target group were university teachers from Norwegian institution who participated in the 2nd and 3rd project activities and who were be able to use the new knowledge and skills in their teaching. 4 persons were involved into these two activities (attendande list). Secondary target group - Public in the Czech republic - more than 20 people out of MUP participated at international workshop in Prague (attendande list). The main overall objective of this project was upgrading of Media Studies program at Metropolitan University in Prague in the bachelor´s and master´s degree, based on experience sharing about teaching at University of Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (Department of Journalism and Media Studies). This university has been carefully selected because of the similar structure of programs and combination of media studies with journalism. An intermediate result of the program was creation of functional dialogue among the project's partners and other participants, and development of student mobility. A secondary objective was the impact of the project results to the general public, thanks to the international workshop in Prague and organization of lectures for students and teachers of Czech universities (activity no. 3) and also thanks to the publication of project outputs (video recordings of teaching, other educational materials) on the website (activity no. 4).