Stay at Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management (Norwegian University of Life Sciences - NMBU) and cooperation with Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) will be focused on enhancing relations to Masaryk University (MU) in terms of research and education. Research activities aims to writing manuscript draft, learning about stream algae as indicator and getting overview about MARS project approaches. Persons being visited at Norwegian institutes are experts on bioindication of complex stressors in aquatic ecosystems and they participate in research projects dealing with these topics. Stay will be utilized for learning recent findings, getting experience in application of innovative methods and analytical approaches. Topics for potential joint project application will be discussed.
Summary of project results
The stay increased understanding of novel approaches in evaluation of complex anthropogenic stress in stream ecosystems. Beneficiary meet Jan Vermaat, head of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management (NMBU), beneficiary learned about facilities and research topics of department, discussed potential future cooperation. Beneficiary introduced my research at NIVA and discussed stay programme and future coopeartion with head of Section for Freshwater Ecology (Nikolai Friberg). Nikolai Friberg and Susanne Schneider shared experiences from MARS project and described field experiments planned in the project focused on multiple stress effects. I also visited field station of NIVA and learned about outdoor and indoor experiment facilities. I proceeded with preparation of 4 manuscripts (2 draft texts, data analyses for another two). Stay resulted in intensive cooperation on shared topics and increasing potential for future cooperation.
Summary of bilateral results
Increased skills/competences of staff