The institutions participating in this mobility project share a common theoretical as well as methodological approach to the related research agenda - social science research on reproductive medicine. The planned output is to exchange best practices, share research information and enable future research cooperation based on a comparative approach, reflect (and increase) professional and personal skills and competencies utilizing the varried research and professional traditions in the participating countries. All these will be utilised in future partnership cooperation, enriched teaching curricula and institutionalisation of both student and staff exchange. The experience from topical research projects/centres will be bilaterally shared and best practice "shadowed" in each of the participating countries/universities. Topical semminar will be held in the host institution to smooth the exchange of expert knowledge and information on the state of the art in the Czech and Norwegian context.
Summary of project results
The individual mobility project has met all its expected goals and objectives. The 3 week study seclusion has resulted in a submission of a revised article for publication (on work-life harmonisation in medical setting), intensive library research on bioethics and ethical dilemmas in research on reproductive health and human reproduction, personal consultations and two presentations (on a Gender Centre meeting and on an annual Gender centre seminar). Personal meetings with Professor Merete Lie have resulted in a list of potential areas for cooperation on a amore formalised basis. As a part of this intensifying cooperation an Erasmus Exchange Contract procedure has been agreed on and necessary steps undertaken. A joint workshop will take place (Fall 2018) to to prepare and submit a joint research proposal. The Erasmus Agreement is beneficial not only for academic exchange but also for students of both institutes pursuing their diploma research in relevant subject areas.
Summary of bilateral results
Increased skills/competences of staff