The research stay at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Tromso is planned. The main aim of the stay is the research collaboration with Prof. Boris Kruglikov and his Ph.D. student Henrik Winther. We will study parabolic geometries and their (sets of) transformations. The related activities are research training, joint discussions and seminars concerning parabolic geometries and their transformations, and also tutorials in the mathematical software Maple, which allows to solve various problems from differential geometry effectively. Job-shadowing of experts from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to increase my skills in teaching and science is also part of the project.
Summary of project results
Beneficiary presented main lecture for members of the department at the Sophus Lie seminar in Tromso. Simultaneously also discussed actively with prof. Kruglikov and H. Winther on the problem of finding submaximal dimension for almost quaternionic geometries. She absolved several tutorials about the CAS system Maple by H. Winther. She studied literature and solved several inidividual problems (via Maple or by computations "by hand") concerning the submaximal set of transformation.
Summary of bilateral results
Increased skills/competences of staff