Project proposal focuses on improving bilateral research cooperation between Brno University of Technology and Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (NTNU) through short-term administrative staff mobility. The applicant - project assistant - will shadow the professionals at project support center at NTNU in its work for educational intention and enhanced competences. Ten days educative visit will lead to enrichment of long-term research collaboration, strenghtening bilateral relationship and collaboration on new projects between universities. The mobility will be supervised by Professor Kare Olaussen and by Inger Synove Kosberg, higher executive officer at NTNU. New knowledge obtained by job shadowing will be applied at our project support centre, Brno University of Technology.
Summary of project results
Project has been realized from 18.10.2015 to 28.10.2015 at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. Topics has been selected in advance comunication and job-shadowing began rigth after formal meeting with prof. Olaussen and prof. Mushtaq. The two main objectives of the project 1) Enhancing bilateral research collaboration between BUT and NTNU through job-shadowing 2) Enrichment of long-term mutual research collaboration, strengthening bilateral relationship and cooperation on new common projects between universities have been fulfilled.
Summary of bilateral results
Increased skills/competences of staff