Teaching Project Management at the Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Tomas Bata University in Zlín (FMC TBU in Zlín) is focused on projects in the cultural and creative environment. The aim of the scholarship project is to learn in courses offered by University of Bergen (UiB) about processes of efficient teaching of the scientific methodology “System dynamics” and apply this knowledge when teaching Project Management at TBU in Zlín. So that the applicant can extend the teaching of Project Management by adding some elements of system dynamics, she applies for individual placement for a study stay at UiB under the “Master's Programme in System Dynamics”. Teaching methods at UiB include lectures, seminars, student presentations, exercises supported by a modelling programme and personal consultations. The applicant will be able to participate actively in these methods. The applicant is ready to present at UiB its own method for creative project management.
Summary of project results
Teaching Project Management at the Faculty of Multimedia Communications, Tomas Bata University in Zlín (FMC TBU in Zlín) is focused on projects in the cultural and creative environment. The aim of the scholarship project was to learn in courses offered by University of Bergen (UiB) about processes of efficient teaching of the scientific methodology “System dynamics” and apply this knowledge when teaching Project Management at TBU in Zlín. So that the applicant extended the teaching of Project Management by adding some elements of system dynamics, she applied for a scholarship stay at UiB under the “Master's Programme in System Dynamics”. Teaching methods at UiB include lectures, seminars, student presentations, exercises supported by a modelling programme and personal consultations. The applicant participated actively in these methods. The applicant presented at UiB its own method for creative project management.
Summary of bilateral results
Increased skills/competences of staff