More information
The project is focused on the digitalization of teaching at the Slovak school.
The aims of the project include:
- the transfer of the strategy methods from the Norwegian partner,
- the transfer of teaching experience, best practices and innovative methods from Norway to Slovakia,
- improvement of teachers´didactic skills by using digital technology,
- development of intensive partnership for further cooperation.
The project results will be:
- a system of digital tools and trained Slovak teaching staff in using new digital skills,
- new methodological materials,
- improved school curriculum,
- improved
Summary of the results
They learned new methods of teaching - using Padlet as a digital tool. It enables them to share learning materials, projects, outcomes between students, teachers and school management. They also experienced, that rest zones are very important for students to feel relaxed. They help students to communicate between each others, to rest after the lessons. we are planning to prepare such zones at DSA Trebišov. As a short time goal - they would like to prepare benches for each corridor/hall, and for a long term goal - they want make further reconstruction of atrias (space between buildings of school, which is currently not in use).
They also learned how important it is to have a complex system of support teachers/professionals, if students have problems (learning dissorders, bullying, health problems).
Moreower, they could compare Slovak system of education in CNC mechanics with the Norwegian partner´s one.