A research stay at Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Deparment for Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, and its cooperator Norwegian Institute for Water research (NIVA) will be focused on gaining experience on a novel unmanned system for monitoring polar contaminants based on ships of opportunity. It is extremely relevant for applicant´s work as it is the only place to get this knowledge. Furthermore, the applicant´s plan to learn new methods of data analysis and consult my dissertation. Beyond that, accredited analytical laboratory in his home institution (Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment) could provide support for sample measurements for the host institutions. Establishing stronger relationships with host institutions thus may result in mutual benefit and increase in further mobility.
Summary of project results
A successfully completed shadowing stay at Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Deparment for Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, and its cooperating institute NIVA (Norwegian Institute for Water research) represented a unique opportunity to gain experience on novel unmanned system for monitoring polar contaminants based on ships of opportunity.
Summary of bilateral results
Increased skills/competences of staff