Czech–Norwegian synergistic activities on the genetics and breeding of fodder crops to mitigate impacts of climate change

Bilateral initiative facts

Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences(CZ)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
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Initiative Types:
Study tour
Norwegian University of Life Sciences(NO)
Programme areas:

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The aim of the initiative is to strengthen existing and establish new collaborations between researchers from the Czech Republic and Norway dealing with fodder crops. The first workshop will be organised in As (Norway), where participants will meet and present their research activities (past, present and future directions). Future collaboration will be further discussed. The second workshop will be organised in Olomouc (Czech Republic) and the participants will discuss the future collaboration in detail, including the establishment of the working group for the preparation of the project

Summary of the results

According to the plan, two mutual study visits between teachers and students of partners were organized and two workshops (in NO and in the CR) took place. The visit of Czech participants to NO was organized in March, the Norwegian partners visited CR, in June 2024. In the initiative which was lead by David Kopecky from IEB and Odd Arne Rognli from NMBU also other colleagues from two more Norwegian (NIBIO and Graminor) and three Czech (Mendel University, Osava PRO and DLF Seeds) institutions or breeding stations were involved. The collaboration among the institutions was very smooth, all participants were very responsible, having presentations of their institutions as planned and sharing their ideas for future work during workshops discussions. The cooperation resulted in exchange of information on research and best practice in breeding activities, in excursions and visits of related institutions and identification of common topics / overlapping activities and options for submission of the future joint project proposals. During the project implementation, the Promoter succeeded to publish two articles in Czech popularizing magazines targeted to Czech breeders and farmers about the collaborative activities with the Norwegian partner (in the Czech language: Kopecky D. (2024). Vícedruhové směsi pícnin a změna klimatu. Zemědělec 19:35. // … Pančíková J. (2024) Vícedruhové směsi pícnin a klima. Úroda online  )

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.