Individual Staff Mobility Grant

Project facts

Project promoter:
RECETOX,Masaryk University
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 3,593
The project is carried out in:
Czech Republic

More information


The project will be aimed to training by the National institute of public health (NIPH) experts to understand the epidemiological dietary data. The main concern will be to transmit the knowledge about preparation of the dietary patterns from available data from the Czech longitudinal cohort study ELSPAC, which consists of 7.589 children and their parents studied for 19 years. NIPH is very eligible tutor since it is involved in many similar population studies. There is, up knowledge of applicant, no Czech institution creating and working with these patterns so far. Cooperation and relevant help will be obtained from two institutions: NIPH and Oslo and Akershus University (HiAO). Involvement of two excellent workplaces from Norway will increase the benefit of the mobility. The methodology will be shared with other colleagues and the will serve as a background for upcoming research.

Summary of project results

Project goals have been achieved. Dietary patterns have been constructed based on the Czech epidemiological data. Results are in agreement with similar international studies including ALSPAC study, which is almost mirror study to Czech ELSPAC.

Summary of bilateral results

Increased skills/competences of staff