So far, there is no unified system of objective evaluation of the integration of migrants where migration and integration policies are based on subjective procedures and partial characteristics based on available indicators. The aim of the project is to create an evaluation scheme to enable to conduct an efficient evaluation of immigrant integration policies based on a complex methodological approach to socio-economic dimensions of migration and integration. The importance and the role of important factors in immigration and immigrant integration will be taken into consideration, particularly in the field of employment, social inclusion, education or active citizenship. The project presents a unique opportunity because Norway and Czech Republic are countries with high rates of immigration and a permanent need for effective integration of foreigners.
Summary of project results
1.Results: increased skills : During the mobility beneficiary met regularly researchers in the Department of Social Work and Health Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. He also visited other departments and research units: the Department of Economics and NTNU Samfunnsforskning (NTNU Social Research institute) and presented his project to the local researchers. 2. Outcomes of project: Beneficiary wrote a research paper that has been accepted for publishing by intl. conference ICABR2015. 3. Project goals have been fulfilled. The mobility was sucessful with established links to researchers from the host institution.
Summary of bilateral results
Increased skills/competences of staff