Response and Communication after Report of Suspected Criminal Offense against the Sexual Integrity of Minors

Project facts

Project promoter:
Scout Association of Slovenia(SI)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:


The Scout Association of Slovenia is the national scout association that operates in line with the purpose, principles and methods of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.

When our organization learned about the report of suspected criminal offense against the sexual integrity of minors, we were faced with one of the most difficult crisis situations for a youth organization. We wanted to respond professionally and respectfully while protecting and supporting our most vulnerable members. Our guiding principle was informing all key stakeholders and the public as well as maintaining the highest level of protection of the privacy of minor victims.

In the pursuit of the most professional and professional response possible, we contacted the Urednica company, which specializes in crisis management and communication in situations that are the most difficult for organizations, as well as the Heruka institute, which provides psychological services and training. With the support of these experts, our organization wanted to respond to the crisis in a way that would allow us to present to the public the measures taken upon learning about the suspected criminal offence against the sexual integrity of minors, while at the same time maintaining the highest level of protection of the privacy of minor victims as well as preserving the trust of our members and the general public. At the same time, it is important for us that we provide psychological and social support to all the people involved, strengthen the supporting environment with zero tolerance for violence and clearly put the protection and interests of victims first.

We want to share our experience with other non-governmental organizations and other organizations working with children and young people. This is because our ultimate goal is to strengthen zero tolerance for violence in society in the long run and to put the protection and interests of victims first.

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