Systematic user involvement for improved, patient centred TB care in Romania

Bilateral initiative facts

Association for Supporting MDR TB patients(RO)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Study tour
LHL International Tuberculosis Foundation (LHL International)(NO)
Programme areas:


The project aims to strengthen bilateral relations between ASPTMR and LHL International Tuberculosis Foundation from Norway. The last project implemented together (SCI TB) revealed the need to increase the capacity of TB patients and their representatives to be actively involved in making decisions that directly concern them. This being the main purpose of the 2 study visits. The visit of the Romanian delegation to Norway will focus on the way the institutions in Oslo work with people affected by tuberculosis, after the visit a report will be drawn up that will serve as dissemination material

Summary of the results

The project wanted to expose ASPTMR members to the idea of the beneficiaries'' involvement in the development of the sanitary system. Within the project, were realized 2 study visits. A visit to Norway by a delegation from Romania composed of ASPTMR employees and volunteers, an assistant chief from a resistant tuberculosis section and 2 resident doctors who work with patients with resistant tuberculosis. In Norway were visited 2 large hospitals, were organized meetings with the Institute of Public Health in Oslo. During the meetings, ASTPMR realized how important a case manager is, a position that do not have in Romania, and were left there with these 2 ideas, the implementation of a Patient Council in Romanian hospitals and the establishment of the position of case manager case. The Norwegian delegation was composed of 5 employees and volunteers of LHL I. During the project were produced a report on how the beneficiaries of the Norwegian health system are involved in the development of the system and a potential training program for beneficiaries who could be involved in the Patient Councils. During the project ASTPMR realized how important these experience exchange visits are, besides the proposed theme, the Romanian medical staff were fascinated by how things are happening in Norway and they came up with ideas about what they could change in their hospital. ASPTMR aimed to offer as many health professionals as possible this opportunity to visit hospitals in Norway. .

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.