Seed library for the 21st century - An effective network of seed libraries in the Czech Republic

Project facts

Project promoter:
Seed library(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:

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Due to the growth of the citizens'' initiative Semínkovna, which the association Semínkovna, z.s. covers, there is a need to streamline its functioning, communication with individual involved seed libraries, creation of their digital database and CRM. At the same time, with regard to the development of the association and the services offered, it is necessary to update the website, which currently does not meet the legislative requirements or the needs of a growing organization. It is therefore a comprehensive solution for a new web presentation and the creation of a digital database of the individual locations that have joined the initiative (currently 250+) and communication platform.
The target group is the group ofabout 250 founders of seed libraries in the Czech Republic (plus the Slovak Republic and Poland). They are already members of our network and, according to the survey, they would welcome a platform facilitating communication between us and them as well as between themselves. The project will help us to connect more and strengthen this community as a whole, i.e. also with thousands of the end users of the services of individual seed libraries.
Project objectives
• Creation of a modern and attractive website that will meet the legislative requirements and actual needs of the organization.
• Creation of a digital database of seed libraries containing information about their seed supply, activities and contacts - available on the web
• Implementation of the CRM system
• introduction of the Mailig tool for mass mailing
• implementation of Google Workspace
• Use of social media and online communities to promote the Semínkovna, increase citizen involvement and create a network of partners.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.