Digitisation and sharing for ""Dlaně""

Project facts

Project promoter:
Dlaně, z.s.(CZ)
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"Dlaně" is an association that is just starting its professionalisation. They focus on the socially urgent topic of palliative care with an emphasis on the social overlap of the topic. The association does not currently use digital tools for its work. The project will start using collaborative tools in the M365 environment, create a website and set up mail accounts for staff and connected experts. The tools will also be used to present the association to the public, whether clients or public administration. Technology will be acquired to ensure work in a shared environment and surveys.

Summary of project results

The project "Digitalization and Sharing for Dlaně" was designed to address several key problems and challenges facing the organization. One of the main challenges was the need to improve communication with the public and increase awareness of the organization''s activities. Before the project, our digital communication channels, such as the website and social media, were not sufficiently effective or up-to-date. We addressed this issue by creating a new website at www.dlanezs.cz and actively managing our Facebook page. This increased our ability to  inform and engage our community and supporters. Another problem was inefficient internal communication and collaboration. We lacked tools for effective digital communication, document sharing, and meeting organization. We solved this issue by implementing Microsoft 365 tools, especially Teams and cloud storage. This allowed us to streamline workflows, enhance data security, and improve collaboration within the organization. Additionally, we faced a lack of technical knowledge and skills in digital tools. To overcome this challenge, we invested in training our employees through the Digital Academy - 365 Heroes program. This step allowed us to expand digital literacy and improve efficiency in working with modern technologies. Overall, the project addressed challenges related to digital transformation, communication issues, and the need to increase efficiency and security within the organization, thereby strengthening our ability to help and inform.

Through our efforts, we achieved several notable outcomes. One key success was improving our digital footprint. We developed a new website at www.dlanezs.cz, which now serves as a central platform for communicating our activities and mission to the public. Additionally, we enhanced our social media presence, particularly by actively managing our Facebook page. Analytics showed that these digital platforms increased our visibility and engagement with our community, supporters, and a broader audience. 

Internally, we improved our communication and teamwork through the use of Microsoft 365 tools. We utilized applications like Teams for online meetings, file sharing, and recording sessions for future analysis. This enhanced our collaboration within the organization, enabling us to conduct virtual meetings, share documents, and even evaluate our discussions for continuous improvement. Using cloud storage also improved our data security and cyber protection. 

We also concentrated on developing our team''s digital competencies. Two of our employees participated in the Digital Academy - 365 Heroes, where they gained important skills and knowledge in using Microsoft 365 applications. These employees earned certifications, which boosted their confidence and efficiency in using digital tools, ultimately enhancing our organization''s overall operations.

One of the main achievements of our work was improving digital communication, which had a positive impact on our employees and the community. With our new website at www.dlanezs.cz and our active Facebook page, we have been able to more effectively inform the public about our activities and mission. Viewership analytics showed that this improved communication increased awareness of our organization and fostered greater public engagement. Within the organization, we achieved better internal connectivity and collaboration. Implementing Microsoft 365 tools, including Teams, enabled us to more effectively organize online meetings, share documents, and analyze discussions. This increased the productivity of our employees and enhanced data security, which was important for our internal work and communication with external partners. We also focused on enhancing our employees'' digital skills, which benefited the entire team. Two of our employees attended the Digital Academy - 365 Heroes, where they acquired skills and knowledge in using Microsoft 365 applications. As a result, they now utilize digital tools more efficiently, which reflects in increased effectiveness and better overall organizational performance. Overall, our work contributed to the development of the team''s digital capabilities and improved our ability to communicate and collaborate, which had a positive impact on our employees, the community, and the entire organization.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.