Circular House - share, lend, repair

Bilateral initiative facts

DialogCB, z.s.(CZ)
Bilateral initiative number:
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Study tour
Workshop or seminar
Nydalen Fabrikker(NO)
Programme areas:


In the context of the ACF supported project of the Federation of Reuse Centres and Furniture Banks, we are looking for ways to bring examples of good practice in the operation of reuse centres to the CZ. We want to visit a real example of a so-called circular house, we would like to replicate this model in the CZ. Our partner in Norway is in the process of starting up Nydalen Fabrikker in Oslo. They are in the concept development phase and want to get suggestions, inspiration and innovative ideas to set up a sustainable operating model to make the circular shop an attractive place to visit.

Summary of the results

The project aimed to transfer best practices from Norway to the Czech Republic, focused specifically on the model of the so-called reuse/circular house. A key activity to achieve this goal was a bilateral study trip to provide information on the functioning of such a house, including the model of operation, space requirements, operating costs, types of customers, products offered and other complementary activities. The aim was to introduce a similar concept to local governments in the Czech Republic and to initiate the creation of similar innovative models in Czech conditions.
It was then crucial for the Norwegian side to be part of the roundtable discussion that took place the following day, which brought discussion on the actual implementation of the Circular House project. Nydalen Fabrikker is a project that is currently on hold due to official delays. We addressed barriers but also opportunities in both countries. The partner organisation therefore had the opportunity to actively address a process with us that is transferable to Norwegian practice. That is, activating local stakeholders, working with the political representation and gaining political support. It was also beneficial for both parties to see what initiatives have been successful in the field of reuse centres and how to get support for them.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.