INspire - good practice exchange between youth workers

Bilateral initiative facts

Mládež ulice(SK)
Bilateral initiative number:
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Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
Study tour
Akureyrar youth center(IS)
Programme areas:


In the project, we have exchanged good practice between 3 countries (Slovakia, Norway, Iceland) on the prevention of risky behaviour of young people and prevention of radicalisation among young people. The activities carried out within the project: internship in Iceland - "job shadowing" and "field work" in several youth organisations, schools and community centres; internship in Norway - opportunity to develop collaborations with leading researchers working on radicalisation and extremism; opportunity to gain know-how of cooperation between Norwegian NGOs, social services, police

Summary of the results

In the project, the Project promoter have exchanged good practice between 3 countries (Slovakia, Norway, Iceland) on the prevention of risky behaviour of young people and prevention of radicalisation among young people. The activities carried out within the project: internship in Iceland - "job shadowing" and "field work" in several youth organisations, schools and community centres; internship in Norway - opportunity to develop collaborations with leading researchers working on radicalisation and extremism; opportunity to gain know-how of cooperation between Norwegian NGOs, social services, police, municipalities and other actors on the topic of prevention of radicalisation and terrorism; expert seminar - all 3 partner organisations shared their experiences with other state, non-profit or public organisations

Outcomes: exchange of good practice between partners in the field of working with young people with risk behaviour and on the topic of radicalisation; acquiring know-how for direct work in social and preventive work with youth in the field of risk behaviour, evidence-based prevention and prevention of radicalisation, building cooperation between the state, public and non-profit sectors, following the example of Norway or Iceland; establishing future cooperation with partners.

150 people were involved in the project activities - staff from all three partners, staff and clients from other organisations we met during the placements, seminar participants.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.