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Kamen''s main activity is manufacturing limestone blocks from architectural-building stone and processing it in Kamen’s modern factory in Pazin. In Pazin, Kamen processes stone blocks from their quarries into raw slabs, floors, facade panels, cubes and various other technically demanding products.
Approximately third of its products is sold on Croatian market, the rest is exported – to Europe, UK and USA.
“New Stone splitting line” project is and investment project that enables Kamen procurement of new equipment, and rationale for the investment is clarified below:
Crushed stone is a self-resulted side product of primary limestone blocks production process. It arises from cracking of surrounding stone in quarry while trying to gain limestone block, which itself is attractive on the market, and also convenient for further processing to produce specific final products of higher market value.
On the other hand, crushed stone as a side-product is not suitable for market because there is no significant market demand. It must be further crushed to a smaller pieces to be a market seller, but with Kamen’s current production process Kamen may gain only humble market results because additional process of cracking those crushed stones to smaller pieces is expensive, while achieved added market value is insufficient for credible market profit.
This project, through investment into appropriate equipment (Stone splitting line and loader that enables up/unloading of stone and is complementary to the machine) will enable better utilization of crushed stone. New equipment will enable introducing new production process, thus Kamen will be able to produce new final products from crushed stone, with significantly higher market value.
In addition to better utilization of natural resources, this investment will enable further growth of the company in terms of increased revenues, profit and employment, and overall, increased competitiveness of the company on the market.
Summary of project results
The project aimed to solve the issue of underutilizing crushed stone, a byproduct of the limestone production process, by enabling its further processing into higher-value products which can be sold on the market.
The main project activities included procurement of new equipment - a Stone splitting line and a loader for loading and unloading stone. These machines introduced a new production process that allows Kamen to process crushed stone into higher-value final products
This project has resulted in better utilization of crushed stone, the production of new higher-value products. It has increased company revenues and employment, and has enhanced its competitiveness in the market. In addition to Kamen, the results are enjoyed by Kamen’s customers, and the local economy through job creation and economic development. However, the project also contributes to better preservation of natural resources, in the long run.