The goal of the proposed project is to establish cooperation on a research based level as well as discuss and establish the exchange off PhD students for short visits and internships at the respective institutes. The students will be able to learn new techniques which will increase their scientific knowledge and experience. Last but not least on a social level the students will experience a different country and culture, meeting other scientists and thereby develop and increase their social competence and understanding for possible differences for their later work in international science teams. In the planned research project focused on oxidative stress and oocyte aging, we will cooperate and exchange knowledge in the field as well as learn new methods from each other. An additional outcome valuable for both institutes will be the planned joint publication which will be also one measure for the success of the cooperation.
Summary of project results
During the project were realized 7 bilateral mobility actions between NMBU and USB and 5 of these participants were researchers and academic staff, 1 participant was PhD student and 1 participant was administrative staff. Bilateral cooperation was established during these visits and meetings where were introduced research facilities, laboratories were and owned equipment to partners and running and future research projects were presented. With kind support of this project was also possible to publish one scientific article "In vitro storage of unfertilized eggs of the Eurasian perch and its effect on egg viability rates and the occurrence of larval malformations" by A. M. Samarin and al. The cooperation continues on the basis of commenting scientific articles and thesis, sharing knowledge and results of research and searching and planning new cooperation in research and exchange of students (waiting for opening of relevant call for projects).
Summary of bilateral results
The objectives of the project were to present the long term objectives of the collaborating institutions in R&D, technology transfer and education. The project contributed to the development of bilateral cooperation between the project partners - new possibilities of institutional cooperation, creating of new contacts, preparing new projects and closing bilateral mobility agreements. So far the project partners wait for the opening of the suitable call for scientific project proposal submission. The main results are bilateral mobility actions bringing new contacts and knowledge about the fish farming, quality of fish meat, new molecular techniques and problems in aquaculture in both countries. The results of these knowledge were formulated in main points that will be developed and used for planning new research cooperation and mobility actions of students and education sector staff on bilateral level. Seminar presentations are published at project websites for free in full versions. The main benefits of this project were increased skills of 3 Norwegian and 3 Czech education sector staff and 1 Czech PhD student. During the stays were shared information about recently solved problems in fish farming, quality of fish meat, problems in fish reproduction and several visits of NMBU/USB facilities and laboratories were visited and all above mentioned topics were also discussed with laboratory/facility staff and private fish farmers.