Implementation of energy efficiency in the industrial process of ""VOP"" OOD

Project facts

Project promoter:
VOP Jsc.(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
IDN Research AS(NO)

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Improving energy efficiency in industry is among the main highlights of the Green Deal for Europe presented by the EC in 2019 and has a key role in realizing the goals of achieving carbon neutrality in terms of climate and the circular economy. Increasing energy efficiency in industry will bring additional added value to businesses, as it will have a positive impact on their economic development and the creation of new jobs, and the energy savings generated will save financial resources that can be redirected to additional investments to support their competitiveness. With the current project, "VOP" Ltd. aims to increase its energy efficiency by improving and optimizing the technologies and production processes used in the enterprise. For the implementation of the above, the candidate will carry out activities that will lead to the achievement of the result "Improving energy efficiency in buildings, industry and municipalities" of the current Program. In this regard, the project includes activities to implement the energy-saving measures recommended in the survey, project management, awareness measures, project audit, exchange of experience and knowledge with a partner from the donor country. The project will be implemented in partnership with an organization from Norway - IDN Research, which has the necessary experience in the field of energy efficiency management. The implementation of the project will achieve the following main results: - 209.24 t CO2/year reductions in CO2 emissions, - 130.89 MWh/year energy savings achieved, - 27 199.62 Euro/year monetary savings achieved. The target group that will directly benefit from the effect of the achieved results are the owners and employees of the company. The positive impact of the achieved results will also have on all its partners and customers who use the products produced through the industrial process, whose energy efficiency is increased.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.