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The project aims to improve the functioning of the local system of preventing domestic violence by introducing activities addressed to specialists: those who perform tasks in the area of preventing domestic violence against elderly people/adults with disabilities, specialists providing support services for elderly people/people with disabilities, as well as to all residents of the Municipality of Krakow, with particular emphasis on: the elderly / people with disabilities, as well as their families and guardians.
The project will take into account the issues of promoting gender equality at every stage. At the stage of project preparation, available data broken down by gender were collected. The promotional campaign being prepared will be free of gender stereotypes. Activities addressed to specialists/members of the teams will be prepared taking into account the conditions of functioning of the social groups for which they operate, i.e. the elderly and the disabled, with particular attention to the needs of each gender. The content of the prepared materials and messages will take into account gender-sensitive language. Project management will also be in line with the principle of gender equality, e.g. involvement in project implementation due to competences, not gender.