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Under the project, the first Centre for Families will be established in the Łodygowice Municipality. A place where professional psychological services, therapy, legal advice and a social worker will be provided. An integrated model will be implemented, which, after an in-depth analysis, interviews with specialists, will be the most appropriate for the proposed forms of support. The second form of support will be the implementation of activities in school facilities, conducting picnics in the Municipality, and promoting the project on the websites of the Łodygowice Municipality Office and the Municipal Social Assistance Centre. Thanks to the development of the Relational Risk Assessment Tool, employees will be able to determine the type of violence and direct support under a specific case. The expected results of the project will be the creation of a comprehensive domestic violence prevention program and community prevention.
The project complies with the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, including accessibility for people with disabilities. The facility in which the Family Centre will be located is adapted for people with disabilities (a stair climber is installed), in addition, classes will be held on the ground floor of the building.
The project complies with the principle of gender equality.