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The business situation and its development in the territory of Latgale is one of the priority areas that are monitored and evaluated by the Latvian government and also by the Latgale planning region. The main goal of this project application is to create new product production in an existing company that is operational and development-oriented, creating a new product in the city of Rezekne and initially creating at least 1 new job.
Summary of project results
Project was started with idea to make metal processing more flexible according to clients needs, fast and competitive in price.
During the project a laser metal cutting machine was purchased, allowing to produce product for individual needs and be more competitive in the market. New full time job was created as a result of the project.
This equipment is currently used in the production process of traction plate circuits of the M and FV series. At the moment, the installed capacity allows to cut metal plates with a thickness of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 or 12 mm. The operations that are performed with this machine make it possible to simultaneously replace several operations - cutting sheets into strips (guillotine), forming a contour (press), punching holes (press) replacing number of traditional equipments.