Purchase of innovative equipment for underwater work and hydrographic surveying.

Project facts

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MATPOL specialises in underwater works such inspections of the technical condition of underwater parts of bridges, weirs, breakwaters, etc.; repairs to ship hulls; repairs in sewage treatment plant reactors, surveys of seabed structures, and underwater welding. We are internationally certified to carry out periodic inspections of ships. Recently, we have expanded our business to include the service of bathymetric surveys and other hydrographic work using rented and leased mid-range equipment. The project will allow us to improve these services and conduct them on our own modern equipment with high sensitivity and resolution. A multibeam probe head, along with sensors, will be used for bottom and depth surveys. The side-scanning marine sonar providing images with the best resolution available, will enable bathymetric and hydrographic surveys at the highest standards, precise diver monitoring and vertical surveys of wharves. In addition, we will purchase a boat which may fit small bays and an autonomous surface vehicle for conducting surveys in tight marinas or very small bodies of water. Both units will be additionally equipped with electric motors to reduce the environmental impact of exhaust fumes and noise.

MATPOL will then be able to carry out work regardless of visibility or currents in the water. This will allow for continuity of work on given orders and the development of detailed data that will speed up the work performed by the diver underwater. We will also be able to offer customers the results of our work presented in digital and graphic form (e.g., images of the technical condition of underwater port structures before and after the work was carried out), which will let the customer better understand what the process itself looked like. Our improved services will be primarily delivered to managers and owners of water reservoirs. In the Baltic region, these are usually large companies responsible for the maintenance of waterways, and port managers.

Summary of project results

MATPOL Inżynieria Hydrotechniczne Eng. Rafał Sławiński was established in 1993 and currently provides services in the field of underwater works, hydrotechnical engineering and hydrography. The main works that the company performs are:

  •  inspections and assessments of the technical condition of underwater parts of hydrotechnical structures (bridge supports, quays, weirs, dalba, breakwaters and others),
  • inventory and extraction of underwater obstacles with the help of a diver,
  • repairs in reactors of sewage treatment plants (throughout Poland),
  • technical inspections of ships,
  • assistance of diver in the search for underwater cables,
  • studies of seabed structures,
  • inspections and repairs of the underwater part of ship hulls,
  • sampling from the bottom for scientists,
  • cutting and welding under water, etc.
  • MATPOL is known for its reliability and credibility, as evidenced by the number and importance of orders. Many of these works were carried out by the company with the use of rented and leased mid-range equipmentIn addition, many measurements were taken by a diver, and the possibility of working underwater existed only in certain weather conditions. Also due to the lack of modern hydrographic equipment, the company could not undertake every order, and thus it would be difficult to maintain its position on the market and develop its business.

The needs and expectations of potential recipients of services are increasing. What is very important for clients is the time it takes to complete a given service, its accuracy and full audiovisual and as-built documentation, also in a digital versionEfficient and safe execution of subsequent orders is possible not only thanks to qualified divers and underwater work managers, but also high-class equipment.

The main goal of the project was to increase the competitiveness of our company both on the local, national and international markets (MATPOL is certified by an international classification society). Being one of the leaders on the domestic market, our strategic goal is to compete with foreign companies in the field of underwater works, bathymetric measurements and hydrographic works. To this end, it has become necessary to improve hardware and software and implement modern services that will exceed the offer of competing companies in terms of quality and technology. The solutions used will enable work in all conditions and, importantly, may also contribute to reducing pollution of water and its surroundings.

As part of the project, modern equipment was purchased that will allow for the introduction of improved, innovative services, primarily bathymetric measurements and hydrographic surveys of the highest international quality standards:

  1. THE MULTIBEAM PROBE, together with the SVP profiler, is an ultra-high resolution device that is designed for use in the most demanding operational environments. The probe is designed for measurements in shallow waters and inspection of infrastructure lying at the bottom of the reservoir. Currently, MATPOL will be able to offer its customers the results of its work in a high-resolution graphic form, both in real time and after their completion, attaching them to the text documentation.
  2. AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE with software (mKurs) a universal, small unmanned vessel, prepared to carry out various types of measurement work on water. Its design allows the installation of many measuring devices, including multibeam echo sounders, and its excellent shape stability guarantees high quality of measurement work. mKurs has a completely electric drive, which allows the unit to be used in quiet zones and reduces the carbon footprint of operations using it. The advantages of the vehicle include high maneuverability, independence of the power source for key systems, and high image quality. With the help of mKurs, it is possible to carry out professional measurement work, where the use of a standard manned unit is impossible or ineffective.
  3. SIDESCAN SONAR provides high resolution of measurement data, thus the results obtained are accurate, allowing to locate a very small object on the bottom, even up to 1 cm. The sonar is adapted to work in ultra-shallow and shallow waters.For this purpose, a special structure mounted on a classic boat was created. Now research can also be carried out in difficult places where there are many limitations.

A complementary element of the project is the purchase of a boat with a shallow draught. Custom-made equipment meets the highest standards and complies with applicable regulations. Thanks to the technology used, it is possible to work in waters where "silence" is in force and the parameters of the boat also allow for operations on offshore wind farms. An important element is to equip it with an appropriate boat trailer, thanks to which the boat is adapted to road transport and can be used to quickly and efficiently reach the place of service.

Thanks to the implementation of the project:
•    we will expand our offer with innovative technologies and services in the field of A-underwater works and B-performance of bathymetric measurements and hydrographic works. 
In 2023, 2 services were performed in category A, and 10 in category B. An increase in services in categories A and B performed on innovative devices as part of the project is expected in 2024.  MATPOL''s hydrographic services are mainly used by companies involved in the maintenance of fairways or port managers (f.e. Gdynia, Szczecin, Kostrzyn on the Oder, Police, Wolin, Gryfice, Dziwnów).
Examples of new services include:
•    inspection of quay walls with an echo sounder,
•    determining underwater obstacles using sonar,
•    performing bathymetric measurements,
•    performing analysis of the cleanliness of the bottom of water reservoirs,
•    searching for objects in the water column,
•    taking measurements in quiet zones,
•    performing hydrographic measurements in hard-to-reach areas (narrow and shallow),
•    we will respond to the needs of customers, which will translate into increased market share and generation of higher revenues 

Having modern equipment, the company has already gained new customers. we will take care of the environment thanks to modern solutions in the purchased equipment; one job has been created;    The transfer of knowledge between the science sector and industry has been increased through cooperation with scientific unit (University of Szczecin).

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.