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The business situation and its development in the rural areas of Latgale is one of the priority directions that is monitored and evaluated by the Latvian government and also by the Latgale planning region. The main goal of this project application is to create the production of a new product in an already existing farm, which is capable of action and is focused on development, creating a new product and service in Isnaud parish and initially creating at least 1 new job.
Summary of project results
The main goal of this project was to start the production of a new product and service in the already existing enterprise in Isnauds parish (rural territory of Ludza municipality) and create at least 1 new job.
Within the project the new equipment''s purchased that allows to produce crushed stones that can be used in various construction works.
As a result of the implementation of the project, the goals have been achieved: 1. A new workplace has been created; 2. the production of a new product has released - crushed stones 2 to 8 cm in size (the size of the fraction can be changed according to the wishes of customers); 3. At the moment, the economic development of the company is significantly increased.