Development of Community Practice program

Project facts

Project promoter:
Community Practice(EE)
Project Number:
In implementation
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Community Practice is an experiential learning program that allows students to do short internships in civil society organizations, at a time when their numbers are constantly increasing. It will support the subsequent growth of non-governmental organizations. Community Practice takes place in 50 schools and more than 300 CSOs across Estonia. 

Through Community Practice, the young person gets an understanding of civil society, an opportunity to learn informally and contributes to society. We structure the program around the student so that he can have a clearer understanding of civil society, expand his horizons, put his knowledge to the test, learn and contribute, and make our society a fairer and better place to live. For the school, Community Practice helps to fulfill the learning objectives related to various general competencies, including social and civic competencies, learning and communication competencies, and entrepreneurial competencies. 

The purpose of this project is to develop the Community Practice program and to increase its capacities. 

The further development of the Community Practice program is important for updating the materials and content structure of the program. We want it to be up to date, and if possible more interactive for students. 

Organizational capacity is supported through a systematic communication channel creation. We will create a regular communication channel and virtual meetings, which will facilitate communication between schools, CSOs and other partners. In addition to virtual meetings and information sharing, we plan to organize training and cooperation seminars to share practices and promote cooperation. 

The third goal of this project is to develop a financing model for the CSO. This is necessary so that Kogukonnapraktika could consider further possibilities and sources of funding. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.