Development of local employment through innovative approaches to training and new jobs

Project facts

Project promoter:
Innovative Educational Technologies Ltd.(BG)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
HR Property Management LTD(BG)

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In the professional structure of the unemployed, the most numerous group continues to be that of persons with no qualification and specialty - for June 2022 for Blagoevgrad district it is 61.6% among persons up to 29 years of age. For Bansko municipality unemployment is at a lower level (5.78%), but the problem of the unskilled unemployed persists. One of the identified problems on the territory is the high level of the unemployed with no professional experience and qualifications. All this shows that the reintegration of long-term unemployed and unskilled persons into employment remains an important task. Goals: 1. Activation of the inactive unemployed 2. Stimulating employment and increasing the competitiveness of local enterprises 3. Trainings for the unemployed to meet the demands of local employers, to develop skills such as presentation skills, CV and cover letter writing, improving digital skills. Main target group: unemployed and inactive persons with address registration in Bansko municipality: 3 people who will be appointed under PSA1; 10 persons who will undergo training under PSA4. Secondary target group: 3 employees of the organization that will administer the project, other 3 persons related to the implementation of project activities. Main activities: 1. Project management, information and publicity about the project; 2. Selection of people under PSA1; 3. Employment of unemployed and inactive people and provision of employment for a period of 12 months; 4. Provision of equipment for the new jobs and training of employees; 5. Selection of persons under PSA4; 6. Professional training: course 1-ICT skills; 7. Training for key competences: course 2-Entrepreneurship.

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