Creating new jobs to stimulate economic activity and implementing an innovative model for diversifying the tourist product and popularizing alternative forms of tourism in the municipality of Bansko

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Rodna rech(NO)
Other Project Partners
Raido tour(BG)


The implementation of the current project will contribute to the creation of stable jobs, stimulation of economic activity and innovative models for supporting employment in the field of tourism on the territory of the municipality of Bansko. In terms of the above the project provides support for measures aimed at creating sustainable employment and new workplaces. In addition, the project envisages the application of an innovative approach to support employment, by using innovative models for development, diversification and popularization of traditional and alternative forms of tourism. In this sense, the project envisages the implementation of measures included in those developed within the framework of the Project "Growth through the activation of local potential (GALOP)", the Strategy for local development of the municipality of Bansko, corresponding to: 1 strategic goal, Priority 1.1: Maximal use of natural, historical and cultural resources for year-round tourism and Priority 1.3: Promotion and promotion of the city of Bansko as a year-round tourist destination 2 strategic goal, Priority 3.1: Development of partnership with business and the NGO sector. This project covers measures for three specific categories of activities: - PSA 1 – Job creation- PSA 2 – Investment in innovative approaches to local employment development- PSA 3 – Providing information about job vacancies, organizing events for employers and jobseekers.  The activities of the project include its management, measures for information and publicity, creation of new jobs, training of newly appointed employees and mentoring, acquisition of equipment, development of an internet site related to the development of camping tourism and the preparation of a map with information on available campsites, innovative approach for providing information about vacancies, organizing periodic meetings between employers and people seeking work, exchange of experience with a partner from Norway.

Summary of project results

The challenges that had to be solved with the implementation of the project are related to reducing the unemployment in the region, motivating the unemployed to return to the labor market, increasing their capacity and motivation to continue working and being active, increasing of the competitiveness of enterprises in Bansko, the provision of adequate and timely information about job opportunities and the active involvement in the process between businesses and unemployed persons and increasing their competitiveness on the labor market. The problems that had to be solved were related to ensuring employment in view of the insufficient capacity and seasonal nature of employment in Bansko, motivating businesses and the unemployed to be active on the labor market, increasing their awareness by applying certain standard and innovative approaches to finding a job.

As a result of the implementation of the project, the following results were achieved: 4 new jobs were opened for 12 months and sustainable employment was ensured, i.e., the sustainability was ensured for the open positions for a minimum of 12 months after the completion of the project.  New equipment, furniture and software were purchased for the new positions. Innovative approaches to providing information about jobs were applied. Website containing comprehensive and integrated information about the offered camping tourism opportunities in the region of the Bansko municipality, as well as on the territory of the whole of Bulgaria, was developed and is in use. Research and mapping of places with available opportunities for camping tourism in Bulgaria was carried out. Activities for exchange of experience and good practices with the partner organization from Norway were held in Bulgaria and Norway. Visualization and publicity activities were implemented, press conferences were organized to introduce the projects results.

Through the implementation of the project, prerequisites were created for the activation of long-term inactive persons. The competitiveness and capacity of local employers was increased. The competitiveness of the people included in the employment under the project was increased. Initiatives for the active involvement of unemployed people and employers were carried out to solve the problems with unemployment and with a list of those willing to actively work. Tourist image of Bansko was improved.

Summary of bilateral results

The exchange of experience was realized through exchange visits and presentation of models for the promotion of the local cultural and historical heritage by the Norwegian partners. Within the scope of this activity, 2 representatives of the partner from Norway visited Bulgaria, had daily business trips and presented a study on the forms for development of sustainable alternative tourism in Norway. All these helped develop a concept for enhancing the camping tourism in Bulgaria and prepare a map with information on the available campsites, meanwhile applying an innovative approach for providing information about vacancies, organizing periodic meetings between employers and job seekers, etc.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.