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Project objective is to raise awareness and to build competence at the level of public authorities, private entities active on the energy market and civil society entities, on energy issues impacting quality of life of citizens in small urban localities in Romania. The value creation of the project is that empowers citizens as consumers with the knowledge required to navigate the complexities of the energy markets by targeting community leaders (public entities decision-makers, private institutions and civil society organisations).
During the stakeholder mapping, Promoter and partners will take actions related to stakeholder identification, profiling and commitment. The outputs comprise a list of 80 beneficiaries (20 beneficiaries in each of the four towns: Campia Turzii, Gherla, Huedin, Turda). The aim is to identify persons from the following three types of stakeholders: public institutions, NGOs, local education institutions, energy auditors.
Trainings will be held on site and online. Training course will be structured on four modules:
Module 1: Renewable sources, the energy transition and the climate emergency
Module 2: Energy and consumers in transition
Module 3: Energy efficiency in buildings.
Module 4: Train the trainers - is addressed to participants who attended at least one technical module organized on site.
Following awareness raising campaign led by Asociatia Circular, will result three press releases engaging a wide audience, one online dissemination event with public administration networks, and four town hall events with the local community. Additionally, an academic article, based on the conclusions of implementation in interaction with local stakeholders will be prepared in draft to be submitted to a prestigious academic publication.
Norway workshop will be implemented by University of Stavanger. Eight participants will receive practical training during a three day workshop organised in Norway.
Summary of project results
The project aimed to raise awareness and to build competence at the level of public authorities, private entities active on the energy market and civil society entities, on energy issues impacting quality of life of citizens in small urban localities in Romania.
The project activities were stakeholder mapping, developing and organizing training modules (as described in the summary), organizing a workshop in Norway and awareness raising campaign of project results.
Over100 people improved knowledge about energy topics and over 700 000 people raised awareness through the media campaign. Beneficiaries were mostly public authorities, private entities and civil society.
Summary of bilateral results
The Norwegian Partner provided capacity building in the project in form of training.