GC_UA: Transformation of ISO standards eco policy to green sustainable eco-system

Bilateral initiative facts

SGH Warsaw School of Economics(PL)
Bilateral initiative number:
PL-Applied Research-BI012
Initial cost:
Actual cost:
Initiative Types:
OtherScheme: Support for Ukrainian researchers under Bilateral Fund of ‘Applied Research’ Programme
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GC_UA will provide an interesting and complementary results to the Greencoin project. One of the Greencoin project goals is to develop possible ways of building the Greencoin community and citizens engagement in pro-environmental behavior. Employers are important actors in this process and have various means for promoting employee''s pro-environmental behavior. The study planned within GC_UA will improve our knowledge of current approach of various types of enterprises to the problem of environmental protections. The results of this study can be potentially used inter alia in the process of

Summary of the results

The research carried out within GC_UA has broadened the knowledge of the current approach of different types of companies to the issue of environmental protection and how companies can be used as a catalyst for community building. The results of the correlation analysis of the prevalence of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 in Polish enterprises prove the feasibility of implementing ISO 14001 in enterprises to improve the results of environmental management. The implementation of ISO 9001 is a necessary prerequisite for the implementation of ISO 14001 but is not the only factor influencing such a decision: there are other important factors influencing the enterprise’s decision to implement ISO 14001. The burden on the environment from business sector and households still is high in Poland compared to other EU countries. However, the changes that took place during the period 2011-2022 in the system of financing environmental protection allowed Poland to rise two positions higher in the resource productivity ranking of EU countries. In the period 2014-2021, there is an increase in the business sector’s need for financing environmental protection activities. This need was met with funds from various financial sources, including own funds, funds from abroad, and ecological funds.  The results of the Action will be able to be used in the process of rebuilding Ukraine''s economy after the war based on ecological considerations.

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