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Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (ULBS) seeks as strategic direction of the internationalization process the development of cooperation and partnerships with universities and international institutions as well as the consolidation of the existing partnerships.Thus, through the agreements initiated and through the mobilities developed in the academic field with universities from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, through the exchange of good practices at the level of a wide range of specialized fields, both ULBS and the EEA partner institutions manage to develop the communities in which they carry out their daily activity. At the same time LBUS strives to assure internationalization at-home for non-mobile students by creating an international environment through incoming professors, academic staff and students.Based on the previously gained experience, through the mobility''s projects financed in the frame of EEA grants, and by sharing know-how techniques, staff participation is recognized through involvement in new international projects. Students’ participation will be visible in their future careers and initiatives, and for an easier insertion on the labor market.The project will contribute to increasing the number of mobilities as well as to strengthen the academic cooperation between Romania and donor states Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. Enlargement of mobility programs will foster internationalization for all beneficiaries, adding quality improvement to curricula and helping create more innovative and flexible learning environments.The objective of the project implemented at LBUS is to create sustainable networks and to enhance the international cooperation capacity with universities from EEA states, through the academic mobility, the improvement of transparency and recognition of studies and through the improvement of staff skills and qualifications.Direct beneficiaries of the proposed mobilities with donor partners will be students and academic staff.
Summary of project results
Among the university’s objectives on internationalization mentioned in the Development Strategy of Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu for the period 2020-2024 it is worth mentioning the following:
1. increasing the number of mobilities (students and staff) within the framework of EU funded programmes;
2. initiating, strengthening, and developing academic partnerships with higher education institutions worldwide, in the field of research and education;
3. participating in events focused on the internationalization process;
4. increasing the involvement in transnational and transregional university consortia, to increase the national and international visibility of ULBS;
5. internationalization of ULBS curricula.
In this regard, the mobilities carried out through the EEA mobility project, ULBS aimed to meet the EU educational needs for improving students’ knowledge and competences for optimal learning conditions in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.
Moreover, the activities within this project represented a milestone in both the extension of already established collaborations in new fields of study as well as strengthening the existing partnerships with the higher education institutions. All these aimed to stimulate mobility within the EEA-ESAYEP Programme resulting in a higher number of undertaken mobilities and higher degree of funds absorption allocated compared to the last EEA project.
Thus, we have registered 28 mobilities out of which 3 were outgoing students mobilities, 5 STT incoming, 20 outgoing (7 STA and 13 STT).
To ensure the positive results of the project, the proposed mobilities were designed to ensure equal opportunities, diversity and access for all participants to experience an international learning environment, providing people with fewer opportunities the chance to develop their skills and competencies.
At the same time, the main purpose of the mobility project was to develop and identify new opportunities for academic and research cooperation between partner institutions, as well as the transfer of knowledge and best practices sharing in innovative teaching and learning processes and internationalization.
As part of the ULBS Strategy for internationalization, the mobility project aimed to increase the quality of cooperation with EEA countries for a greater integration of teachers, researchers and students into the European academic community. Also, the expertise of EEA partner universities that share common professional and scientific standards strengthen the cooperation of the partners through common projects.
To achieve the proposed objectives of the project, ULBS and its EEA partner universities strongly collaborated to encourage and facilitate the implementation of the projects’ activities. Furthermore, the mobilities proposed in the framework of this project contributed to institutional and inter-institutional sustainable development and cooperation and have responded to the needs of the students/teaching staff related to the learning/training process or for a better insertion on the labor market. Also, the partnership ensured a fruitful cooperation of mutual benefit and strengthened the bilateral relations between Romania and donor states partner universities.
By participating in the EEA-ESAYEP Programme, ULBS enhanced its visibility in the European academic landscape and strengthened its collaborative relationships with partner universities. ULBS’s active participation in the European University Alliance has resulted in a significant increase in both the quantity and quality of mobilities with the University of Agder. Developing new academic practices within the University Alliance and harmonizing curricula among alliance partners to meet the needs of students, society, and the business environment represented key strategic priorities for ULBS.
A strategic goal of the alliance was regional development and the university’s active involvement in the local socio-economic space through public-private partnerships and the creation of regional innovation ecosystems. These ecosystems bring together key players from the business sector, local administration, and academia. Thus, the mobilities conducted within the University Alliance served as a synergistic means to implement and achieve the long-term benefits of the EEA Programme, such as better adaptation of participants to diverse professional, social, and cultural environments through the awareness and promotion of European values.
Summary of bilateral results
The bilateral collaboration will continue under the Erasmus+ Mobility Programme, until the release of any prospective form of continuation of the EEA mobility projects. ULBS has already selected both students and staff for mobilities at Norwegian partners in the next semester (for example to University of Agder) and members from the partner institutions are expected to arrive at ULBS for different academic events.All partners were involved in counseling the selected beneficiaries and in providing relevant support to staff and students participating in the mobilities so that the cooperation conducted to sustainable and balanced outcomes for all the parties involved.Staff mobility also represented a valuable opportunity for networking and identification of new professional contacts, ensuring the premises for the development of new cooperation projects in the field of tertiary education, research, and innovation. At the same time, staff mobilities have encouraged the emergence of common international events.For the continuation of the partnership with the universities from Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland there are taken into consideration any other form of cooperation under different funding schemes, for joint cooperation and research initiatives.