Development of IT technologies in the Diocesan Caritas Ostrava-Opava II.

Project facts

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Diocesan caritas Ostrava-Opava(CZ)
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The aim of the project is to improve the use of existing IT technologies leading to more efficient work of employees across the organization, as well as the shift, development and institutionalization. An online workshop-strategic plans will take place within the project; optimization of the existing solution, training of IT staff and further implementation of the MS Azure. The project follows on project Development of IT Technologies in the Diocesan Caritas Ostrava-Opava.

Summary of project results

The DCHOO has centralized management of Microsoft 365 (mail, applications, servers, etc.) for all users in MSK (about a thousand users), which brings with it many pitfalls and pressure to constantly monitor new IT options and modernize technologies that would facilitate many processes in our organization. Also, the pandemic has shown great disparities in the use of technology in organizations. 
In the previous project IT Technology Development in the Diocesan Charity of Ostrava-Opava (09/2021-08/2022), we successfully implemented a number of changes in the system that made the work easier not only for the employees but also for the clients of our organization. 
The project also enabled us to set up virtual servers and a virtual LAN - we moved programs and websites to the cloud, which allowed us to streamline a number of processes (efficient work of employees, connectivity "from anywhere", increased security, GDPR compliance and in the case of the website we provided visitors with an optimal and secure environment).
Based on the experience we have gained and the time we have spent as an organisation on this issue and trying to move forward, we want to:
(a) pursue further innovations to make our work more efficient,
b) address some of the shortcomings of the previous solution and adapt the cloud environment based on user comments and suggestions. 

We have managed to achieve all of our objectives. The main objective was to make the work of employees more efficient by shifting the use of IT technology. The goal was met by implementing new and optimizing existing cloud environments that provided employees with a more efficient and secure environment to work in, with the ability to connect from anywhere. Another important goal was to unify environments and programs to streamline potential collaboration and internal auditing. The shift is primarily in collaboration, where accounting program databases no longer need to be sent and replayed during audits, which posed a threat to data leakage, but also to the consistency of accounting programs. The unification and optimization of existing solutions (servers differed in configuration as the environment evolved) was also a major goal of the project. Because of the differences, we decided to apply the new features to the already implemented solutions. Thanks to the cooperation we have eliminated unwanted effects on functionality, increased security and also made a number of changes for better comfort for users and administrators.

We see a positive impact mainly in digitization and a shift in the use of new technologies. Furthermore, also in discussion, between individual subjects and communication 

of innovative changes in an organization where even organizations that did not show interest in the shift are interested in using the system and services for their departments 

and centers. Thanks to the project, we also obtained financial support from Microsoft in the form of licenses and finance for the operation of not only virtual computers and 

for creating a reliable virtual environment for the work of key employees. Furthermore, we also did not have to replace already technically outdated computers with new 

ones, since the virtual computer can operate even on older devices that would no longer be suitable for work. The virtual environment is also easier from the point of view 

of the system administrator, when everything is possible solve from one place and manage all user accounts at once. The cloud environment helped us solve the problem 

when we connected two from distant centers. As part of the optimization process, we eliminated a number of shortcomings during the project, and as part of cooperation 

(between IT and users) we prepared the most comfortable possible user environment for work. The anticipated benefit was confirmed by feedback from users and 

administrators, as well as the previously mentioned interest from those not yet interested organizations. Above all, together with the technical shift, we succeeded in 

deepening the cooperation between the entities and setting a common path of development. Individual changes they lead us to new possibilities and technologies that we 

are going to use over the years. We also appreciate the simplification of the form of cooperation when our organization as a superior body, it is able to cooperate more simply 

and help individual subjects, thanks to the connection and unification of systems. The internal auditor has simply set access to accounting programs from one place.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.