The empowerment of digital competencies of our employees

Project facts

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Centrum LOCIKA(CZ)
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The aim of the project is to increase the competence of the LOCIKA Centre employees in the effective use of digital tools for internal communication within the organisation and external communication. The project will include the purchase of licenses and training of relevant parts of the team in Adobe Acrobat, Smartemailing and Workspace. The objectives are to increase the efficiency of internal communication (Workspace), to make communication with our supporters more effective (Smartemailing) and to increase the attractiveness of publicity and PR content (Adobe Acrobat). The project will train a minimum of 5 employees in a management position, 25 employees in the use of Google Workspace tools and a minimum of 3 employees of the PR and fundraising team in the use of the Smartemailing.

Summary of project results

Over the past two years, the LOCIKA Centre has undergone a number of major structural changes. New services for children at risk of domestic violence have been built - we have expanded the existing comprehensive therapeutic services under the SPOD mandate to include a specialized cottage for at-risk children in 2021 based on demand and a Child Advocacy Center for child victims of crime in 2022 as a pilot. The expansion of the team leads to a critical need to anchor new processes within the organization and learn to communicate effectively together through the online environment, gaining more efficient information transfer and overall coordination of the growing team. 
At the same time, in the context of the Covid pandemic, we have expanded our online communication of topics related to domestic violence prevention, mental health and psychohygiene. Our materials have become widely shared and used by the professional and lay public (schools, psychologists, educational psychology offices, etc.). In order to maintain the high standard of our materials and not to face technical problems in printing, we need to work in a professional program. Thanks to quality media campaigns we have been able to reach a wide public, for example in one year the number of FB subscribers has increased from 8500 to 13,500, we currently have 5000 contacts in our database and we want to create quality facilities and build to work with supporters in order to create a functional network to anchor the organisation well.

Over the past two years, the LOCIKA Centre has undergone a number of major structural changes. New services for children at risk of domestic violence have been built - we have expanded the existing comprehensive therapeutic services under the SPOD mandate to include a specialized cottage for at-risk children in 2021 based on demand and a Child Advocacy Center for child victims of crime in 2022 as a pilot. The expansion of the team leads to a critical need to anchor new processes within the organization and learn to communicate effectively together through the online environment, gaining more efficient information transfer and overall coordination of the growing team. 
The project proposed a set of training in the use of digital tools - Smartemaling, Adobe and Google workspace, along with the purchase of licenses for each tool. The whole project took place during 09/2022-03/2023, when relevant parts of the team were trained in the use of each tool, purchase of licenses and settling new processes. 

1/ Adobe Acrobat Pro (5 employees)

2/ Adobe Acrobat DC (3 employees)

3/ Smartemailing (3 employees)

4/ Google Workspace: Training of all employees in the organisation (25) 

The development of digital competences and tools has had a strong positive impact at the LOCIKA Centre: supporting the centralisation of data and the automation of repetitive tasks through the use of digital tools has meant that the work of employees has been made easier, and therefore time and resources - both human and financial - have been saved.  

LOCIKA Centre staff now share information better, more transparently and clearly within the organisation and with external partners and donors. They have better tools to analyse and evaluate data, to monitor client work, projects and PR campaigns; we can collect and analyse important indicators and data more effectively, and as a result we are better able to strategise the impact of our work, identify areas for improvement and plan our future activities more effectively.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.