More information
Childbirth with Dignity Foundation has been working for 26 years for pregnant women and mothers of young children. Its aim is to ensure that every woman can give birth in dignified conditions, surrounded by respect and care from the staff, with the support of loved ones. It is the oldest and largest perinatal care organisation in Poland.
The Foundation carries out watchdog, advocacy, intervention and education activities aimed at decision-makers, medical staff and pregnant women and their relatives. It conducts continuous monitoring of perinatal care in Poland, develops reports, analyses on perinatal care, exposes abuses and violations of the law, brings the voice of women into the public space and strives to adapt the law to their needs.
She runs the portal - a tool for the continuous monitoring of perinatal care. Thanks to data from women and an algorithm developed by the Foundation''s team of experts, medical sociologists and a public opinion research company, a ranking of hospitals is created, which indicates women-friendly facilities. Around 110,000 people use the portal every month. This puts hospitals under public scrutiny, improving the quality of maternity care.
In 2012, the foundation led the creation of the Standards of Perinatal Care and, after an attempted abolition by the Minister of Health in 2016. - to maintain them as a piece of legislation. The foundation received a WHO award and in 2016 a UN award for ''effective advocacy and support for women''s rights''.
The grant will serve institutional strengthening by improving the financial situation and the organisation''s visibility (increased brand awareness) among the younger generation. Planned activities include: developing a foundation development strategy, fundraising strategy and communication strategy; conducting regular fundrasing activities; surveying female recipients about the possibility of supporting the Foundation; engaging companies to support the Foundation; an image campaign.
Summary of project results
Childbirth with Dignity Foundation has been working for 26 years for pregnant women and mothers of young children. Its aim is to ensure that every woman can give birth in dignified conditions, surrounded by respect and care from the staff, with the support of loved ones. It is the oldest and largest perinatal care organisation in Poland.
The Foundation carries out watchdog, advocacy, intervention and education activities aimed at decision-makers, medical staff and pregnant women and their relatives. It conducts continuous monitoring of perinatal care in Poland, develops reports, analyses on perinatal care, exposes abuses and violations of the law, brings the voice of women into the public space and strives to adapt the law to their needs.
It runs the portal - a tool for the continuous monitoring of perinatal care. Thanks to data from women and an algorithm developed by the Foundation''s team of experts, medical sociologists and a public opinion research company, a ranking of hospitals is created, which indicates women-friendly facilities. Around 110,000 people use the portal every month. This puts hospitals under public scrutiny, improving the quality of maternity care.
In 2012, the foundation led the creation of the Standards of Perinatal Care and, after an attempted abolition by the Minister of Health in 2016. - to maintain them as a piece of legislation. The foundation received a WHO award and in 2016 a UN award for ''effective advocacy and support for women''s rights''.
Thanks to of the organisattional grant the Foundation created its development, communication and fundraising strategies, developed principles for cooperation with business, conducted brabnd awareness campaign and 5 fundraising campaigns.
The main results of the organisational grant were an increase in the number of contributions from individual donors, an increase in the number of companies supporting the Foundation, an increase in the number of followers of the Foundation in social media, an increase in the number of engaged female citizens participating in the monitoring of perinatal care (15,000 questionnaires completed in 2023).